Stay Somewhere Beautiful.
The Burgundy Room is a fabulously large room with double bed (you will want to snuggle together in this room) and a large roll topped bath. Seriously sensual, with deep red walls, a huge window to the front facing the church (no bells) and a smaller window overlooking the gardens at the rear of the house. The room also has a hand-basin. The private loo is on the landing.
Who needs a television in a room like this? No-one. There is a 1960’s record player to provide background music and a good selection of records. Vinyl Rocks!!
There is a wonderful painting by artist Kathy Thomas (http://www.cathythomasstudios.com/) who makes her own paper, sticks the pieces together and then paints. I think it looks like it is made of stone.
Burgundy Room
Deduct 10.00 for Single Occupancy
Add 15.00 for Additional Adult Extra Bed and Breakfast
Add 10.00 for Additional Child Extra Bed and Breakfast